You Are Who You Sex

Greetings yall!

I send love, peace and blessings to  every individual who reads this content. Today, I am going to be discussing the energetic exchange and spiritual side of sex. Ooooo… LOL.

Let’s talk about sex baby! This topic has been on my mind for years and years, I remember watching Juanita Bynum’s “No More Sheets” and learning of “soul ties” over 10 years ago. Today, I have such a deeper appreciation for the appropriate context upon which to apply this principle to life. (it’s not JUST about sexual relations, but sex definitely creates a much closer connection and tie to an individual’s energy.

In stepping into entrepreneurship, I am being afforded the opportunity to cross paths with literally thousands of women. I have developed a deeper compassion for the emotional and physical distress we all experience at some point in our lives. I hear, and have also experienced my fair share of emotional pain around romantic, sexual relationships. What I have begun to realize is that many times we suppress these heartbreaks and pain in an attempt to “move on” and carry on with life. The subtly obvious resentment, frustration, pessimism around relationships (even jokingly) illustrates that we are in fact, NOT over it. Actually, it winds up holding us hostage, imprisoned and therefore highly susceptible to continue to attract dynamics which produce the same emotions.

Another discovery which has become crystal clear is that emotional/energetic imbalances in our womb, can and will manifest into physical imbalances. This is why things become chronic even after being “treated” and even surgically removed. It’s worth pondering what your heart and womb is “not over” yet. Being authentic and honest with yourself is crucial to free yourself both emotionally and physically.

I am going to tell my own personal story about a time when I literally felt the sexual energy in my womb following a sexual encounter. This dynamic/relationship was toxic and I knew it. I allowed and made the choice to justify my decision of entertaining him. I had known intuitively and felt in my gut and heart that the love wasn’t healthy or even genuine. I let my desire for companionship and “intimacy” override my common sense, and truthfully, I still held onto a lot of pain from previous experiences which is precisely the point of this article. One evening after a late night booty call, as I was driving home, I felt what I can only describe as what felt like a claw, reaching up from my womb up into my chest as if it was attempting to climb my chakras. That seriously freaked me out and was one of the last times I was intimate with him. I did a lot of personal development work after that relationship to really dig into the roots of what attracted what was in retrospect, a horrific scenario.

Pain begets pain, it’s crucial to take intentional action to clear our physical and energetic temple. The womb has been long regarded as the most divine organ because it not creates, but houses and develops human life. This is an indisputable fact.

This is why womb health and detoxification is so important. Steaming offers a wonderful opportunity to release and reveal those pains and tender spots we’ve been pushing deeper and deeper into our subconscious. Not only to the physical imbalances begin to decrease, the emotional ones begin to “escape” with the assistance of all the earthly healing elements. (Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Energy)

Thank you for taking time to read.

With So Much Love,


The Honey Pot

3 thoughts on “You Are Who You Sex

      1. Can we dig a little deeper into the physical and spiritual ramifications of these soul ties….I’m just trying to see something real quick….I personally feel soul ties are SO real but my experiences have seemed to be EXTREME.


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