How to create your reality


I just went live on YouTube a few minutes ago about what’s going on today and how I am going to share an incredible tool with my family and friends!

I am inviting you to join in (and actually, I think I will plan a virtual party for us before the years out!)

Check this out!

​The Importance of Vision

You deserve to invest in your future with your time, energy and imagination.

Remember, abundance in your finances, but not in your self worth is not “success”.

Sending so much love,



New Moon, New Season, New You!

Today is the new moon in Libra and the autumn equinox was this past Thursday. We are in the midst of a huge transition, and if you haven’t noticed yet..our collective energy as humanity tends to mirror our environments.

I have been feeling urges to quantum jump my reality… which means I intend to create massive transformation for myself with about 80% less effort and time than it “normally” requires.

If you are familiar with my work you know that I personally choose and coach my clients, to choose to perceive through the lens of the 80/20 rule (also known as Pareto’s Principle).

It is a statistical rule that states that 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes. The phenomenal benefit of understanding and applying this vantage point is that is can help you determine how to best allocate time, money and energy.

I’ve come to realize, that this golden nugget can be applied to every are of life, I can almost guarantee you wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time…

With that being said, I want you to share a specific 80/20 perspective that has CHANGED MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE.

We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t “want” things or desire to have “more” or “better”. We should never be ashamed of our desires. We should, however ensure that we’re practicing OG (obsessive gratitude) at all times. The thing is, when we identify what it is we want next, we tend to attach to it all these conditions and rules and parameters about how it would best come to pass. I have learned that my desire IS the 20% when I simply combine it with humility and surrender.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that I can clearly state, or imagine or visualize what my desire is, and then ASK God to SHOW ME how it will manifest itself through the path of least resistance. Then, I begin to receive intuitive nudges that lead me down the path of watching my desire “unfold”.

I used to decide what I wanted and then “get to work coming up with a plan” on how it was supposed to happen. This is not to say that no “action” was required on my part, but it is to say that God’s plan and directive for what the next steps were ALWAYS proved to be so much easier and require a lot less effort than the my ego could devise.

I hope this is helpful!

If you want to learn more about Pareto’s Principle and how to truly heal and transmute your trauma’s while also learning how to Quantum Jump your life please do check out the Spiritual Level Up Power Pack that I recently launched. It’s a compilation of many of the life transforming classes I’ve created.

Happy New Moon, Season and You!

With So Much Love,



The trafficking story

Imma get straight to the point today. And no it’s not MY trafficking story but it’s a part of my story now because I am committing to helping this young lady elevate and transform her life.

I was asked to mentor a young lady in starting her business and helping her to get a better job. She’s currently making 20K per year in NYC 😰

She began to tell me her story… she was kidnapped at 12 years old and locked in a closet of an abandoned house and forced to prostitute for a year before she was arrested and put into the juvenille court system.

I cried. Then I got infuriated.

She is currently working for a non profit agency that is having her travel the world speaking about her story and advocating for 20K PER YEAR!!! WTF!!!!!

I am JUMPING on getting her resume updated and upgraded, creating her Indeed page and getting her all the opportunities available that she can offer her incredible story and wisdom to along with mentoring her closely to help with her mindset and manifesting the life she desires.

I mean, this girl is surviving on pennies while STILL BEING EXTORTED in my opinion.

She is behind in many of her bills and my goal is to raise at least $5000 for her to get secured and feeling safe as the first step.

I am asking you to PLEASE consider donating to her cause.

You can help and donate to:

CashApp $YesGodWellness


Zelle 919-306-3252

Venmo @yesgodwellness

I will in turn send the funds to her (and I’ll provide receipts ya’ll know how i am)

I have never asked this type of question of my Yes God Family but I know that we all have the same heart and want to make the world a better place. Let’s be the change we want to see.

Sending everyone who’s ever been through this love and soooo much healing energy.

With So Much Love,



Imma get straight to the point today. And no it’s not MY trafficking story but it’s a part of my story now because I am committing to helping this young lady elevate and transform her life.

I was asked to mentor a young lady in starting her business and helping her to get a better job. She’s currently making 20K per year in NYC 😰

She began to tell me her story… she was kidnapped at 12 years old and locked in a closet of an abandoned house and forced to prostitute for a year before she was arrested and put into the juvenille court system.

I cried. Then I got infuriated.

She is currently working for a non profit agency that is having her travel the world speaking about her story and advocating for 20K PER YEAR!!! WTF!!!!!

I am JUMPING on getting her resume updated and upgraded, creating her Indeed page and getting her all the opportunities available that she can offer her incredible story and wisdom to along with mentoring her closely to help with her mindset and manifesting the life she desires.

I mean, this girl is surviving on pennies while STILL BEING EXTORTED in my opinion.

She is behind in many of her bills and my goal is to raise at least $5000 for her to get secured and feeling safe as the first step.

I am asking you to PLEASE consider donating to her cause.

You can help and donate to:

CashApp $YesGodWellness


Zelle 919-306-3252

Venmo @yesgodwellness

I will in turn send the funds to her (and I’ll provide receipts ya’ll know how i am)

I have never asked this type of question of my Yes God Family but I know that we all have the same heart and want to make the world a better place. Let’s be the change we want to see.

Sending everyone who’s ever been through this love and soooo much healing energy.

With So Much Love,


ALL THINGS YES GOD WELLNESSUnsubscribe | Update your profile | 2608 Erwin Road , Suite 148-173, Durham , NC 27705

Don’t be THAT person

I have entertained MANY dm conversations where someone is asking a million questions about “how to” and when I lead them to the resource that breaks it down, they freeze.

They take NO action. They REFUSE to invest in themselves and then have deep seeded resentment because no one else does…

These same people continue to be in the same position (which is NOT what they truly desire) month after month and year after year.

If you don’t even keep your word to yourself it translates into not being able to be trusted with your desired manifestations.

Faith without works is dead – James 2:17

But here’s the thing, the “works” don’t have to be hard or unpleasant. Some of my most transformative shifts have been the results of some really FUN inner work!

The Spiritual Development Playground has officially been launched at introductory prices and I strongly encourage you to invest in yourself so you can overflow into all those you touch.

We are taking Pre – Orders for the life changing compilation of Audacious Affirmations E- Book. The book will be emailed on Christmas Day. One of best investments you can gift yourself!

The course entitled “F*ck Everything Else You’ve Learned About Manifestation” that will include the four masterclasses which I will be teach live this month every Friday night at 10PM EST. (Keep in mind this price will increase after all the sessions are completed and uploaded)

You can join the live classes for a more interactive and customized experience. Any purchase of this course will have links to the live sessions included.

  1. The Real Deal on Affirming
  2. Scripting for Success – 12/10
  3. Visualizing the Easy Way – 12/17
  4. Revising the Vision – 12/24

Imagine if you would have bought in on Bitcoin back when it was $7,000 a share… you could literally be a multi-millionaire right now.

The power of now is so great because it puts us in alignment with the FLOW of things without them having to require a lot of effort and energy.

Every time I’ve decided to go with my first intuitive nudge I have NEVER regretted it. It has saved me countless amounts of time and money.

I hope you choose you.

Here is a song that always pours into me and I know it can do the same for you!


With So Much Love,



How is this my fault?

This question can change your life as well as what you manifest moving forward.

When I had given birth to my 4th child as a single woman and was generally unhappy and unfulfilled I discovered steaming.

Yoni steaming was one of the catalysts that allowed me to connect back to my true essence… GOD. It allowed me to begin to release trauma and be vulnerable and honest with myself. It not only felt amazing but it started to high light my womb heart connection. It changed my life.

To this day, any situation I experience that is less than favorable for me, the first question I ask is….how is this my fault? what role did I play in this?

Life changes when accountability and ownership become a part of the equation.

This question enabled me to begin to do the deep healing and reprogramming of my own limiting beliefs that subsequently manifested me a successful business, amazing husband and beautiful life.

Yes God 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽

What is currently happening in your life that you can change your approach to and change the outcome?

One of the first things I had to address was the resentment in my heart. I had to FORGIVE.

If you are having a hard time forgiving your parents or anyone in your life.. I highly recommend using the tools I personally used , which I’ve provided in our Forgiveness 101 Course, it’s changed lives.

I love you and I want to see you excel and exceed your wildest dreams.

With So Much Love,



“Strong Black Woman” no more!!!

I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase before.

I was raised to believe that it was noble, reverent and some badge of honor to constantly be “hustling”, “handling business”, “getting it out the mud” and “just doing it myself”.

For almost my whole life, I have been operating too much in my masculine energy.

It slides under the radar for so many of us because we’re born into situations that model these concepts. Our survival was literally dependent on the need to protect and provide for ourselves.

I’ve made a very radical decision about keeping up this unbalanced self concept, identify and image.


Honestly, it’s QUITE a big mindset adjustment. This trait has allowed me to have many great accomplishments in my life, however the more that I am unlearning and reflecting on my experiences I am realizing that I was almost insistent in making things harder than they needed to be.

I, like many of us, was engrained to believe that if you don’t have to struggle for it, it’s not worth having.

As I reflect, I realize that many of the manifestations I received were because I was operating in my femininity, without actually being conscious of doing so…

Some of the ways I have been unbalanced (more masculine) in my energy have been:

  1. Not accepting help with simple things (carrying bags, lifting heavy packages, etc)
  2. Being impatient and “doing it myself” versus being still and allowing things to happen in their own time
  3. Overthinking, over strategizing and being a perfectionist. Being critical of myself and others
  4. Being so much of an open book, allowing everyone around me to know exactly what I was thinking and how I was feeling.
  5. Stepping in and trying to “help” grown men with thing and by default robbing them of their innate and intrinsic need to pursue, conquer and solve. Standing in the way of their evolution and development.

This has truly been a mind blowing and life changing concept that I’ve been taking time to absorb, apply and express. If we’re connected on social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been a lot less active there. I’ve been taking inventory of the things I’ve no longer been available for. Some of those things are:

  1. Waisting time on activities I don’t enjoy
  2. Scrolling my life away
  3. Consuming content that invoke feelings that are not pleasant for me
  4. Being in spaces where I don’t feel valued and appreciated
  5. Stretching myself too thin because I don’t want to relinquish control

It’s my intention that this may be inspiring for you to take inventory and identify some of the ways or approaches that could stand a reevaluation.

I invite you to join me in June for the following virtual and in person events!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

With So Much Love,



And the truth set me free…

I happened to be checking out the various upcoming holidays and I came across “Honesty Day” on April 30th. Did you know that was a thing? I had no idea!

To me, Honesty Day should be everyday

Honesty is something that can literally transform your life. Here’s a few ways it transformed in mine:

  1. Being honest with myself about how I truly felt about my life and affairs allowed me to get real with myself about what direction I needed to move in.
  2. Being honest with myself about my limiting beliefs allowed me to create affirmations that attest to my new expansive and abundant beliefs.
  3. Being honest (and setting boundaries) with the men in my life who didn’t embody the behaviors and characteristics of what I desired from a partner allowed me to make space for my husband to enter my life.
  4. Being honest with myself about the consequences of certain decisions and habits I was choosing allowed me to change the choices I was making.
  5. Being honest with myself about what truly made me happy allowed me to lean more into those things and let go of what I was doing for other silly reasons like fear of what people would think or feelings of obligation.

Honesty is a game changer. It’s the main ingredient in profound transformation. The truth truly does set you free.

Are you being honest with yourself and everyone in your life?

Are you not being completely honest because that would then require you to do something different? Something that doesn’t seem like it would be comfortable to you?

I want to encourage you to invest some time taking an inventory of the various parts of your life and seeing if any are candidates for being a bit more honest about…

Steaming and/or bathing is a great time to ponder these things.

I have created the discount code HONESTY in case you’d like to stock up or perhaps give the gift of womb and heart health to your mother or someone you care for this upcoming Mother’s Day on May 9th.

This Thursday is the Sip, Steam & Release session where we’re going to be doing an extra special activity for releasing what isn’t serving us, specifically limiting beliefs. It’s gonna be REALLY GOOD, I’m excited and hope you’ll join us!

Have an amazing day.

With So Much Love,



Success stories!

I first want to let you know how grateful I am for you, I pray for you daily. 

I have several success stories I’d like to share with you.. 

Firstly, I have perfected my body butter!!! What was previously known as Honey Butter has now evolved into Magical Mango Healing Cream! Slight tweak to the ratios and one deliciously smelling addition and we now have an INCREDIBLE, creamy, luscious, yummy smelling recipe that will have you glowing all day. They’ll be dropping on the website next week!


Here’s what one of my lovely client’s says about this product..

I also want to discuss the vision board I created last week at the virtual Sip, Steam & Manifest party because every single thing on it has come to fruition!!! I consider something to be fruitful as soon as I begins to receive evidence…

What’s wild is that some of them did manifest IMMEDIATELY!!!

Let me break it down..

3/2021 Virtual Vision Board

(see microphone in front of chairs)

I am speaking this weekend (3/21) at Cupcakes, Cocktails & Conversations. By the way, please join us if you can, it’s going to be AMAZING!!!) 

I am also speaking at both the Virtual Sip, Steam & Release Party (3/26) as well as the I Used To Spank My Kids Masterclass (3/25). (come through!!) 

(see woman with tons of brilliant ideas)

They have been pouring in!!! Like how I tweaked that butter recipe and created an incredible new product! That’s just the start! 

(see passport, map and camera)

This is going to sound made up and I didn’t even recognize it while it was happening. Yesterday I got a random opportunity to book two international family trips for a ridiculously low price. (Thank you GOD🙏🏽)

(see freezer full of breastmilk)

I went from contemplating switching to formula because I felt as though I couldn’t keep up with Justice to now having an overflow and actually freezing milk again!!! 

(see woman holding up certificate)

I have been receiving so many downloads about the completion of the Yes God Vaginal Steaming Certification!!!! Honestly, I’ve already done a lot of the work! (THANK YOU GOD!) 

(see sleeping baby)

Justice slept through the night for the first time last night. I was SO elated when I woke up to that realization!

I think you get the gist… this stuff works. It’s incredible. It’s happening faster and faster for me too, that’s the part that’s blowing my mind a bit. 

One more, I just randomly checked my google reviews on a whim and saw this!!!

GOD is good ya’ll. 

I hope you’re having a good week and that divine order is now established in your mind, bodies and affairs. 

Be sure to download the app for daily affirmations. 

With So Much Love, 



What’s on your vision board?

Hey Friend!

This Saturday is a new moon! Why is that important? Well, there are a few correlations. 

The new moon is the first of 4 primary phases the moon goes through. Waxing, Full, Waning, and New. 

The menstrual cycle is also broken into four phases: Follicular, Ovulatory, Luteal, and Menstrual. 

Each phase in its own context can be associated with the energy of the moon, I like to work with both. 

In this great article I came across, it mentioned that the new moon phase can be associated with releasing negative thinking habits. I also know from experience that the new moon is a fresh start to consider and get clear on what we’re looking to manifest over the next cycle or phase of our lives. For me personally, I love to write down my latest intentions. 

In an effort to get out in front of the upcoming new moon, we’re gathering tomorrow evening to create some accountability in our upcoming manifestations. We are creating visions boards, this can be done a number of different ways that I’d like to share with you. Whether you join us or not, it’s an excellent way to bring awareness to what it is you truly desire at this phase of your life. 

You can use digital images to:

  • Create a virtual vision board using or just 
  • Creating a folder in your phone or on your computer

You can also use physical images to:

  • Arrange on a poster board or piece of paper
  • Put on mirrors or walls to see consistently 

You can also choose to just simply write down what you’re looking to have or be, that works very well. 

I personally like to SEE what I’m desiring to experience. 

I’d love for you to join me tomorrow evening as we Sip, Steam & Manifestto create the vision(s) we have for ourselves. 

I am going to be using canva to actually have a virtual vision board that I can have at my fingertips at any time. I can also print it out and put it anywhere for a little reminder. (wallet, mirror, under a magnet on my fridge). We’re going to be steaming afterwards which is a great opportunity to just sit and meditate on what we’ve just defined as our next life experiences!

I am super excited about the wholesale orders that are coming in for herbs!!! I love being the Vaginal Steam Herb plug. YES GOD!

In other news, Justice is 3 months old and thriving! Divine order is now established in our minds, bodied and affairs! Here she is 😍  

I hope everyone is experiencing some good sunshine and deep breathing. 

With So Much Love, 



You know it’s all gonna work out right?

I hope you’re healthy and optimistic about your life.

This has been such a revelatory week for me. I have been really consistent about the practices that have held me DOWN time and time again, they seriously NEVER fail me. Thank you GOD.

Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

They’re so simple too, nothing requiring a lot of effort. What they require is my dedication to them, my consistency, my attention and my focus.

Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

I am looking forward to steaming today and tomorrow as we usher in this Virgo Full Moon energy urging us to find balance with work and service. This time can be revelatory and enlightening, if we choose.

I would love you to join me to steam, be sure to have your notifications turned on in the Yes God Wellness App and I’ll give you the heads up. Even if you can’t steam and want to just take some time to set intentions and honor your sacred space, please join me.

Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

This week in particular there have been some pretty “serious” life situations that have naturally “found” resolutions because…

Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

I’ve been being sure to take a few moments to quiet my mind and breathe along with obsessively affirming and redirecting every internal and external conversation. (kinda how I’m doing in this email)

Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

The OCD approach with affirmations has even been working for the people around me I’ve been sharing it with. I’ve gotten SEVERAL testimonies about how they have created unexpected abundance and resolution for folks. See below:

Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

Yes God Wellness is now offering wholesale white labeling of our herbal blends. Anyone can sell the blends under their own brand’s name.

If you’re desiring to, or already have an established wellness brand, you can now provide our time tested healing formulations to your community and create income for yourself as well.


Divine order is now established in our minds, bodies and affairs.

If you’d like more information please complete this form and the wholesale catalog will be emailed to you. 

Enjoy this glorious and divine day.

With So Much Love,


ps. I also send out affirmations daily on the Yes God Wellness App. Getchu some!